Sunday 24 May 2015

Pulp Fiction [1994]

Pulp Fiction

Not being much of a socialite, I can't say I've seen too many recent movies so I thought I'd review another old classic just in case anyone had passed it by without considering it.

Pretty much everyone has heard of Pulp Fiction and many will have said "it's a good movie" but I will try and qualify why it has earned such high praise.

 As I see it, it is Tarantino's magnum opus and being a sucker for almost every ludicrous, violent and disturbing film he has made I will admit there is a great deal of bias in reviewing what is easily his best film.

Pulp Fiction has a flawless cast, not only are the actors all skilled and well-known professionals, they portray their characters believably. Samuel L. Jackson who plays the character Jules is a likeable psychotic with a plethora of quote-able one-liners who you end up sympathising with despite his murderous behaviour. Christopher Walken also has a brief but unforgettable scene talking to a young Butch (played by Bruce Willis for the rest of the film). As usual, Tarantino himself makes an appearance during the film turning a morbid and horrifying situation into something both hilarious and uncomfortable.

Aside from the humorous and epic dialogue, the film has interesting storyline and layout with many scenes completely out of chronology with one another. What brings it together is how these separate scenes portray different characters' interpretations and perspectives on the same events which they interact in. Ultimately, the plot's premise becomes insignificant and the individual experiences of the characters become the most engrossing aspect of the film.

Overall it is an extremely engaging movie that is infinitely rewatchable (in my experience) and is a must see for anyone who hasn't yet done so.

- John

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